
George W. Reid - Understanding Scripture: An Adventist Approach

Seventh-day Adventists are a community of believers shaped by the Scriptures in their doctrinal convictions and practices, as well as in their daily interaction with others. The reading and the study of the Bible, accompanied by prayer, is a central spiritual discipline in the life of the church. This spiritual discipline should be exemplified and promoted by church leaders, teachers, pastors, and church elders throughout the world. The Biblical Research Institute o f the General Conference has always been very interested in the vital role of the Bible in nurturing the community of believers. Consequently, it has sought to provide materials for study that will deepen the church members' understanding of the Bible and will train them in how to study it by themselves. This new volume, produced under the auspices of the Biblical Research Institute and the scholars o f the Biblical Research Institute Committee, addresses the question of how to interpret the Scriptures. Its fundamental purpose is to stimulate the study of the Scriptures, using basic principles of interpretation that will minimize, and, i f possible, eliminate, arbitrary interpretations of the Word o f God.

This volume introduces the readers to a series of principles of biblical interpretation that is compatible with the Adventist high view o f the Bible as the Word o f God. By including chapters dealing with the nature of revelation, inspiration, and the authority of the Bible, it reveals the scriptural presuppositions that Seventh-day Adventists bring to the text as they seek to obtain a better understanding of the Bible and of their own presuppositions. The Biblical Research Institute is particularly grateful to George W. Reid for accepting the task as editor o f this volume. His 18 years as Di rector of the Institute qualified him in a special way to edit this impor tant book. We are also grateful to Gerhard Pfandl, associate editor, and to Marlene Bacchus, desktop publishing specialist, for the many hours they spent with George Reid in preparing this book for publication. The church at large, and in particular the community o f Adventist Bible teachers, w ill always remain indebted to  them for the excellent job done. May the church be continually blessed through the pages o f this book.

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